Sunday, March 25, 2012


Time for the weekly update! 
So this week has definitely been hectic, no doubt about that, here's an overview:
Monday: Woke up late, class, studied for Statistics test, met dad on his way back from Washington on break, then went to Stats class. Tutoring after class for an extra hour. After that was done, I went to the gym and worked out with a friend, then I showered and hung out with a friend and had an Hermanas Unidas meeting. 
Tuesday: No class, but i drove to school for a quick tutoring session for my statistics test.
Wednesday: Woke up EXTREMELY late and missed both my first and second class>.< Then I met up with a classmate and studied before my stastics test. Then 12:30 took my test. I think I got like a C hopefully! After I had SI class, which was kind of fun, only 4 people showed up to class. so it was interesting.
So now I'm getting tired of telling my day by day schedule... I'll sum everything else up. I died my hair, so i am no longer blonde. But I feel like the lady didn't do well of  a job on my hair and I have missing pieces of color. I paid too much to not have a well done color. And besides that, I found out I start spring break Wednesday since we don't have classes Friday and I don't have class Thursday, yay! Now I am trying to catch up on my work, because I totally forgot about my project space essay that I have to hurry and complete. The End

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